Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Craigery Morgan "Hottest Man Right Now" on YouTube

He's young, cute, buffed, hot, outrageous, masculine and yet, very camp which we find him to be as strangely fascinating as he's funny!

Oh and watch out for Ja'ime from "Sumer Height's Heigh"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Justin Maina

Some people are just born with perfect genes, as well as perfect hair and all!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone

The very first post in 2010 has taken us a little surprise, this gorgeous young model Grrret Neff seems to have taken the model world by storm right now, why?

Spanish sportswear label Blanco has cast Garrett Neff for their S/S 2010 campaign! Hunter & Gatti are the creatives behind the work and promise nakedness! A preview.
Can't wait!

There were no secret that Garret Neff was Calvin Kline's favorite muse, now the new CK has chosen the new campaign in Miami.

Ready or not, Garret explosion is set off soon in 2010.